27 Feb February News: Top 3
Staying up to date with what’s going on in your community and nation is important; but keeping up with the many events that happen each week, much less each day, is nearly impossible.
Educating yourself on the current events going on around you can save time and keep you safe. However, staying on top of an endless news cycle is not something many people have time for.
Because of this, we’ve put together an overview of the top three news stories for this month:
1. Crash Test Dummies Get Heavier as American Body Weights Rise
In an effort to more accurately reflect the U.S. car-driving population, at least one manufacturer is making crash-test dummies bigger and older.
“The typical patient today is overweight or obese – they’re the rule rather than the exception,” said Dr. Stewart Wang, director of the University of Michigan International Center for Automotive Medicine, in a statement. “You can’t talk about injuries without talking about the person.”
The new crash-test models include a 273-pound dummy, more than 100 pounds heavier than normal, as well as a prototype based on an overweight 70-year-old woman (The Sacramento Bee).
2. State Senator Wants Tough Regulations On Using Phones While Driving
Using your phone for anything while driving – not just texting – could soon be illegal in Oklahoma.
State Senator J.J. Dossett is proposing changes to Oklahoma’s texting and driving law; he said he wants drivers to have nothing but the steering wheel in their hands.
Many Oklahoma residents have been killed lately due to cell phone usage while driving, either by themselves or a fellow driver.
If the law passes, Dossett said drivers could be fined up to $100. If the driver is in a school or construction zone and causes an injury, they could be fined up to $5,000. If a driver causes a deadly crash, it could be up to $10,000.
Dossett said, “In our fast-paced world, sometimes we have to step back and do what’s safe instead of doing what’s efficient at that moment” (News on 6).
3. 2016 Traffic Deaths Jump to Highest Level in Nearly a Decade
A jump in traffic fatalities last year pushed deaths on U.S. roads to their highest level in nearly a decade.
Fatalities rose 6 percent in 2016, reaching an estimated 40,200 deaths compared to 37,757 deaths the previous year, according to the National Safety Council.
The increase came as Americans drove more last year — a 3 percent increase in total miles. The council cited continued lower gasoline prices and an improving economy as key factors (Fox News).
Truskett Law is committed to keeping our community safe and healthy. If you or a loved one has been injured in car accidents, we are here to help. We give free consultations for injuries, car accidents, and wrongful deaths.
Give us a call at (918) 392-5444
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