08 Nov Dealing with the Insurance Company after a wreck: 10 Things to do
If you’ve been injured in a car crash in the Tulsa area it’s imperative that you know what to do next. Dealing with your own Tulsa car insurance company after a car crash can be a time-consuming hassle. Now imagine what it is like to deal with the insurance company of a person you do not know who crashed into your car.
Here are some tips:
1. Stay calm, turn on your hazard lights, and stay at the crash scene.
2. Call the police, and ask the police to come to the scene, fill out and file a vehicle crash report. You will likely need a police report for the insurance companies.
3. Call an ambulance if needed. If your car is not safe to drive, then call a tow truck.
4. After you are out of danger, take pictures of the scene, the other driver, and any visible physical injuries and property damages.
5. Get the other driver’s name, contact information (telephone number, email address, residential address), make, model, and year of the other person’s car, license plate number, and insurance information (auto insurance company name and insurance policy number). Take a picture of their driver’s license and auto insurance verification if you can.
a. Since the other driver caused the motor vehicle crash – the other driver’s premiums may very well increase at least for some time period. The amount of increase varies from insurance company to insurance company. If you did nothing wrong then your insurance company should not be hiking your rates. It is crucial to get a police report to get to the heart of the safety rule violation issues.
6. Get the names and all contact information for any witnesses, including any passengers. Keep a file with all relevant crash information.
7. Get information from the police officer, including the officer’s name, badge number, phone number, and police report number.
8. If the other driver’s insurance company calls, do not talk with them. Have your lawyer talk with the insurance company. The other driver’s insurance company may call and offer you a quick settlement. Beware: You must first be sure all your physical injuries are fully treated and your damages are itemized per the law. Some injuries take more time to heal. There is generally only one settlement for these cases, and you cannot come back a week, month, or year later and ask for more money. Bottom line: never settle any claim until you are fully compensated for all harms and losses. Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney before signing any documents.
9. A person that violates the safety rules and causes injuries to another is a system failure. The best way to deter the safety rule violator and make the community safer is to call an experienced attorney to arrive at justice.
10. Protect your rights: Call Truskett Law for a FREE consult to review your rights, the available insurance coverages, and to receive full justice. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you do not pay us for fees upfront – we only receive a legal fee if we recover compensation for a client.
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